
LC2023 is over.

It was a successful meeting, reflecting the enormous progress made in the field,
and further promoting the fruitful interactions
between the members of the “Langerhans cells family”.
We thank all speakers, poster presenters, participants, and sponsors for their valuable contributions!

The Workshop must go on, and it will go on!

The 18th International Workshop on Langerhans Cells – and related myeloid cells of the skin will take place in the spring of 2025.

Please stay tuned!


Ladies and gentlemen,
Friends and colleagues,
Langerhans and dendritic cell researchers all over the world,

We are happy to be able to keep up the tradition and announce that the
17th International Workshop on Langerhans Cells (LC2023)
will be held in Paris on 08-09 June 2023,
in association with the Institut Cochin.
To ensure adequate space for lectures, posters and the industrial exhibition,
LC2023 will take place at the Hôpital Necker venue, 156 Rue de Vaugirard, 75015 Paris.

As in the previous years, we wish to make LC2023 an event that allows ample interactions
between the leaders in the field and young researchers, as well as between researchers and industry.
We are doing our best to ensure that LC2023 will again be a very fruitful scientific meeting,
and that it will remain the major international convention in the field of LCs research.

Despite its focus on LCs, the workshop will cover a whole spectrum of topics
on LCs, DCs and related myeloid cells, including:ontogeny and differentiation,
tissue homeostasis and tolerance, interaction with microbiota and pathogens,
cutaneous immunity, and cancer.

Abstracts submission is now closed.

If you have any questions, please contact info.lc2023paris@gmail.com

We are looking forward to your participation and welcoming you to this very exciting and ‘chic’ meeting,
Bienvenue à Paris et à bientôt!

Yonatan Ganor
LC2023 Chair

On behalf of the core organizing team
Björn E Clausen (Germany), Florent Ginhoux (Singapore/France), Sandrine Henri (France),
Juliana Idoyaga (USA), Niki Romani (Austria) and Patrizia Stoitzner (Austria)


Please see the Meeting Report of the past 2019 Workshop in Mainz, Germany